Mail & Freight Forwarding
Monday-Friday 10AM-5PM
Saturday 8AM-12PM
Located 1/2 block West of The Perfect Pair
US phone on WhatsApp +1 786 747 8557
1345 NW 98th Ct
Unit 2, SERV
Miami, FL
As Banks, SS, IRS, STC don’t allow Serv alongside the name, please include it in the second line of the address.
All mail received in Miami will be forwarded and charged without filtering so please make sure you don’t give this address for any marketing purpose since you will be charged for junk mail.
Mail will be received once or twice a week as normal
Every certified envelope (with tracking number) will be charged as a package due to the managing process.
Effective starting May 1st 2019. Please make the change as soon as possible and contact all your relatives so we can avoid mistakes in the future.